Why Does My Drive Shaft Keep Breaking?

If you notice vibrations from underneath the vehicle, have difficulty turning it, hear a clicking, clunking, knocking, or squeaking noises, or feel the car shudder when you accelerate, these are all signs of a broken drive shaft.

Why does my drive shaft keep breaking? I used to wonder this earlier. If you’re on the same boat now, then this article is for you only.

The breaking of a drive shaft may not be new to you, and it might be a reason for your frustration. Fake spare parts, incorrect installation, and worn suspension parts are a few reasons contributing to the breaking of the drive shaft.

Why does my drive shaft keep breaking

Let’s understand the reasons why the drive shaft keeps breaking.


Why does my drive shaft keep breaking? (Actual Causes Revealed)

The drive shaft is not a delicate item that should break frequently. Let’s go through the possible reasons that cause the breaking of a drive shaft.

Why does my drive shaft keep breaking

Wear and tear from everyday use

The drive shaft is prone to wear and tear over time. Worn-out bearings and joints on an overused drive shaft may tend to become loose. These loosened parts cause difficulty while turning and give out squeaking and clunking sounds.

The damage rate may increase if the vehicle sprints repeatedly on a potholed road.

Continuous blows due to driving on potholes damage the bearings and joints of the drive shaft. A drive shaft is also prone to rusting. Rusting depletes the metal, causing it to break eventually.

You can use aluminum drive shafts too. Though not responsive to rusting, salt and other corrosive elements can damage it.

Improperly balanced or misaligned drive shaft

A misaligned or incorrectly balanced drive shaft may break eventually. An incorrect installation of the drive shaft may lead to this problem. A drive shaft may wear out before its lifespan if the alignment of U-joints and CV joints is not up to par. Always get the drive shaft installed by a qualified, experienced professional.

Uneven tire wear or worn suspension parts

A drive shaft may also break due to uneven tire wear or worn-out suspension parts. The tire, brake, and suspension systems work in harmony. If any of them is damaged or worn out, it may put pressure on the drive shaft and break it. Uneven tire wear may give the impression that the vehicle is tipping to one side.

Lack of proper lubrication

Grease helps reduce friction and wear. A drive shaft may break if the drive shaft is not correctly lubricated or if low-quality lubricant is used. It’s crucial to use quality grease and get the lubrication done by an experienced professional.

Weak Products

Make sure you service your car at a reputable repair shop. Because if your service is at an unknown shop, they may use low-quality accessories that accelerate drive shaft wear and tear, eventually breaking it.

How to prevent drive shaft failure?

The following tips may help you prevent drive shaft failures for a long time.

Regularly maintain and inspect the drive shaft

Regularly maintain and inspect the drive shaft
  1. Keep a tab on your driveshaft regularly to check for any indications of damage or wear.
  2. On noticing any damage, get the drive shaft repaired or replace it with a new one as early as possible.
  3. Avoid driving through rough terrains. If you cannot avoid it, go slow to minimize the impact on the drive shaft.
  4. Don’t ignore any strange noises or vibrations from underneath your car.
  5. Do not overload your vehicle. Stick to the recommended weight.
  6. Get your car and drive shaft servicing done by a professional and reputable mechanic or service station.
  7. Follow the manufacturer’s instruction manual for periodic servicing of your vehicle.

Regularly check and maintain the tires and suspension parts

Regularly check and maintain the tires and suspension parts
  • Check tires are with recommended pressure.
  • Alignment and balance of the tires should be ideal. Any incorrect alignment or imbalance may result in stress on the suspension parts. It may further lead to the weakening of the drive shaft.
  • Regular checking for damage or wear of suspension parts is essential.

Use of proper lubricant and in the right quantity

  • Use good quality lubricant.
  • Ensure you don’t apply less or in excess quantity. It’s advisable to get it done by a professional mechanic instead of DIY.
  • An incorrect application of lubricant results in friction and increased wear and tear on the drive shaft.

Can you fix a broken drive shaft?

If you think you are capable of repairing it yourself, you can follow the guidelines given in a step-by-step manner below.

Can you fix a broken drive shaft
  1. Removing the damaged drive shaft: Removal of a drive shaft may vary as per the make and model of the vehicle. However, in general, a drive shaft needs to be disconnected from the coupling after removing the differential cover.
  2. Inspecting the damage: Check for any cracks or breaks that require repairs.
  3. Repairing the shaft: You may either repair the shaft or replace it with the new one. In the case of a bent shaft, you can get it straightened by a professional mechanic.
  4. Re-install the drive shaft: It is exactly the reverse of the removal process. Ensure you tighten and secure everything before driving the vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens if your drive shaft breaks while driving?

If the drive shaft breaks while you are driving, you may feel vibrations from underneath the vehicle or hear strange noises. It’s dangerous to drive with a broken drive shaft, as it may lead to serious accidents, possibly fatal to your life.

How long should a drive shaft last?

Typically, if ideally used, a drive shaft can last from about 80,000 to 100,000 miles. However, it also depends on how you drive, the road conditions, the climate, the maintenance quality of your vehicle, etc. Thus, there’s no definite answer to this.

How long does it take to fix a broken drive shaft?

An experienced and expert mechanic may take about 1 to 1.5 hours to fix a broken drive shaft.

Is replacing a drive shaft a big job?

Replacing a drive shaft is not a big job. However, it requires a disciplined and meticulous approach to get it done appropriately.


A drive shaft is the backbone of your car. If it breaks down, it’s dangerous to continue driving. You must immediately address the issue and get it repaired or replaced.

Several factors contribute to the breaking of a drive shaft. Bad potholed roads, rash driving, unprofessional servicing, incorrect installation of the drive shaft, using fake accessories to install the drive shaft, wear and tear of the shaft, and incorrect usage of lubricants- all lead to the drive shaft breaking.

You can prolong the wear and tear of the drive shaft by driving slowly on rough terrains. Regular checking and periodic servicing of the vehicle keeps your drive shaft in good health. It will give you interrupted driving experience.

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